Our independent representatives & advisors, who are well qualified to deliver to the marketplace, provide a personal financial review with varying levels of service to their client and to create viable succession plans of the following, all supported by our four firms.

Financial Services
- Investment advising &/or planning via mutual funds, segregated funds, exempt products, ETFs, and GIC’s
- Tax advantaged investments and tax-sheltered products
- RRSPs, TFSAs, Payout products at retirement
Group Benefits
- Consults with large and small corporations on these benefits, maximizing employee benefits plans, group and/or individual retirement plans
- Group insurance – Health & Dental
- Pension plans for companies whether a Group RRSPs, DPSPs, or Defined Contribution

Family and Corporate Security
- Estate conservation and planning for both a family and corporate owner/operator
- Disability income replacement, critical illness, long term care for both markets
- Educational trust funds; RESP planning for the children and grandchildren of the advisors clients
- Funding of buy-sell agreements, key executive coverages within the owner operator markets
Succession Planning for the Advisor
- Effective market evaluation and funding, when the time is right for the senior advisor to transition their business to the next generation of advisors
- Retirement advising/or planning, RRIFs, LIFs, LRIFs and annuities